[Ashisyun - Takase Yuu] Kanzen Nenshou 10 Nya Nya Nya Nyaan[Ashisyun - Takase Yuu] Kanzen Nenshou 10 Nya Nya Nya Nyaan
[Takase Yuu] Shiritsu Beri=Shogakkou e Youkoso! - welcome to very short hair elementary school♥[Takase Yuu] Shiritsu Beri=Shogakkou e Youkoso! - welcome to very short hair elementary school♥
[Takase Yuu] Kanzen Nenshou 18 Judgment no Oshigoto desu no![Takase Yuu] Kanzen Nenshou 18 Judgment no Oshigoto desu no!
[Ashisyun - Takase Yuu] Nichijou no Nichijou wa Hinichijou 2[Ashisyun - Takase Yuu] Nichijou no Nichijou wa Hinichijou 2
[Takase Yuu] Kanzen Nenshou 5.25 side-T ni Youkoso![Takase Yuu] Kanzen Nenshou 5.25 side-T ni Youkoso!
[Takase Yuu] Makeinudama summarized ver. - Loser's Mind Summarized Ver.[Takase Yuu] Makeinudama summarized ver. - Loser's Mind Summarized Ver.
[Takase Yuu] Welcome to very short hair elementary![Takase Yuu] Welcome to very short hair elementary!
[Takase Yuu] Sentou de Deatta Kinniku Danshi no Ohanashi.[Takase Yuu] Sentou de Deatta Kinniku Danshi no Ohanashi.
[Takase Yuu] Nippondanji shinkō-kai nyuukai no tebiki _ haishin-ban[Takase Yuu] Nippondanji shinkō-kai nyuukai no tebiki _ haishin-ban